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Our Programs and Services

Please read below to find out more about how we can help.

Parenting with Purpose Program

Our Parenting with Purpose program provides pregnancy and parenting education and family support services.  Services in this program include education tailored to each individual's wants and needs, emotional and spiritual support, case management, medical and community service referrals, assistance with finding and applying for assistance, and more.    *Sponsored in part by United Way Mower County, Astrup Foundation, Walmart Spark Good

Child hugging parent
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Baby Boutique

Clients participating in our Parenting with Purpose program get to "shop" (everything is free!) in our Baby Boutique after each monthly appointment.  Our boutique features diapers, wipes and other toiletries, food, clothing, bottles, baby furniture, toys, books, and much more!   

Kitchen Coalition and Food Shelf

We offer a food shelf for our clients with a wide variety of staples, snacks, fresh produce, and more.  We also partner with the Kitchen Coalition program through Channel One and Second Harvest to provide locally prepared, nutritious, and well-balanced single-serve meals to our clients facing food insecurity.    *Sponsored in part by Channel One, Second Harvest, and United Way Mower County

Happy Family

Positive Parenting Classes

Our Positive Parenting classes are designed to provide parenting education to families in need that may be court ordered or otherwise required by the county, state, etc.  This one-on-one education is specifically tailored to each person who participates.  By agency referral only.

Group Activities

We offer a variety of support groups for families.  Some are just meant for fun, while others have a more serious theme at their core, but one thing they all have in common is fun and fellowship!  Please follow us on facebook or check out our events page for upcoming groups, activities, events, and more!

Kids in Vegetable Farm
Little Girl in Car

Car Seat Safety, Safe Sleep Programs

Our Car Seat Safety program offers car seat safety checks and installations (by appointment), as well as emergency assistance with car seats (must qualify).    

Our Safe Sleep program provides free SIDS prevention education along with a new Pack 'n Play for families in need (must qualify).    *Sponsored by Cradle of Hope

Transportation Services

We offer limited transportation assistance to clients in need who would otherwise not be able to access services.  This may include taxi rides or bus tokens for in-town clients, or gas vouchers for those coming from outside of Austin.    *Sponsored in part by the Austin Area Foundation, Freeborn County Co-Op Oil, and Freeborn-Mower Round Up

Korean Taxi
Helping Hands

Who Qualifies?

Pregnant women (and significant others), and primary caregivers (moms, dads, guardians) of children through age two-and-a-half.  We have no income limits, as we recognize that everyone has need of the emotional support and education offered - and that income on paper doesn't always accurately represent a person's financial situation.  We do not discriminate based on age, sex, race, nationality, relationship status, financial status, citizenship status, etc.  ALL are welcome!

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